
Hospitality is a part of our culture. In our country, from ancient times our ancestors used to be hospitable people. That's why we have been initiated to be gracious and courteous people.

Halkidiki is a state of mind

Whoever visits Halkidiki once in the summer, always chooses Halkidiki. It’s a destination with beautiful nature, excellent crystal waters, delicious and traditional cuisine and hearted people. Those who visit our hotel become part of it. They quickly feel the familiarity of the place and the people who make it up. And that's because for us you're not just guests. But our new summer friends!

Family goes first. So does here!

Akroyiali is a family-owned and operated destination. Over the years, we’ve realized that a sincere smile is the warmest greeting, and seeing our guests smile back is the greatest reward. As we were coming back to Greece from our life in Germany, we wanted to create something that will have a different meaning. Not only to our family, but also to you!

The tiny Haven

The yard of our hotel is our small reception. Our small paradise on earth. Here you can enjoy the sea, lose yourself in your dreams, and let your thoughts wander. It is the ideal spot to enjoy your wine while reading a book, listening to music, or meditating. Of course, you can simply come and star-gazing at the sky.

Our Dimitris

Every house has its hosts. Akroyiali is not just a hotel. You'd think it is the exotic house by the sea you’ve always wanted to have. So in our house, the main host is Mr. Dimitris. He welcomes you with his warm smile and the gentle tone of voice.

If you need to ask him anything, just call his name.

Embraced by the Aegean

A location where the crystal-clear Aegean Sea blends with the vibrant green landscape of the Halkidiki peninsula. Here is where Akroyiali welcomes you. Modest, unobtrusive, and perfectly positioned in a place where natural beauty surrounds you at every turn.